Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mechanism of Brick field
Workers are preparing soil for brick production. The pile of stocked dried soils cut by one worker while other worker is softening the soil by throwing water into the soil.
Boshila, March 2009
A worker in the brick field arranges the dried raw bricks. Later these the raw bricks will be sent to burn into the oven.
Boshila, March 2009
Women workers carrying raw bricks for stocking. Most of the stored bricks will be burnt during the production time while the extra stored bricks will be burnt during the starting of monsoon. Till then most of the bricks will be covered by the polythene.
Mr Saidul is a brick carrier. He comes from Mymensingh, works from dawn till disk. He earns 150tk daily. Like Mr. Saidul most of the workers of brickfield are seasonal migrants, contracted with the “Shardar” for 6 months to work from November till mid of April. After the end of their deal they have to come back to their home and they engage themselves in agricultural activities in their native village until the production season starts again.
Aminbazar, March 2009
Nurjahan…a coal worker…..breaks coals into pieces…prepares it for burning in the oven. She says it is getting tough to work under the hot sun as it hasn’t rained yet this year. She also takes care of her child. Women do all sorts of work here from breaking coals, carrying bricks to cooking, taking care of families. ...most of them earn just enough to be able to have three basic meals every day.
Fatulla,Narayanganj, March 2009
A worker is pouring coals into the heat chambers of the Brick oven. The coals are the fuel for the oven. This brick oven runs all over the season.The workers sometimes put their large pots in the heat chamber to cook their meals.
Pagla,Narayanganj, March 2009
It is 3.00 p.m. in the brick fields. Here workers get 2 to 2 and half hours of rest after working till 12 p.m.. A manager is yelling at his worker for starting the work in delay. The manager seemed a bit hot tempered as some of the workers have fled away cause of scorching heat of March; puts extra pressure on the manager to produce bricks. Fleeing away from the brick field is a common scene in the brick fields.
Tongi,Dhaka 2009
After stocking some bricks into the oven a worker is rushing back to bring more raw bricks as the workers has to stock more raw bricks before dusk. Yet all-day long fatigue doesn’t help him much from smiling.
Aminbazar, March 2009
Workers bringing the raw bricks to put those into the oven for burning. These bricks will be burnt for 7 days. After that the produced bricks will be stored for selling.
Aminbazar,March 2009
It is almost dusk. But the work doesn’t stop in the brickfields. A worker transports manufactured bricks through van along a steeply ground. His child comes to help by pushing the cart. Here children are not seen very commonly to work in the brick fields. A positive sign is that the owners of the Brickfields are more conscious about Child labor law.
Aminbazar, March 2009
Workers working in Amin-Bazar brick field. This is the month of March. They will work for 1 more month. After that the production will stop as the monsoon starts. During the monsoon the whole brick field goes under water. The labors are sent home and the “Maliks” sell the stocked bricks during the whole off season.
Aminbazar, March 2009
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very good storytelling....... the pictures are all well composed and diversified..... I like the mixing of daily operations and individual life.......
the sequence is something to think about though....... and there are a few gaps in the manufacturing process that are becoming more prominent because of sequence...... but their diversity makes sure that we do not get bored...
great job, Fahim..... keep them coming.... all the best....:)
Sharif bhai thank you a lot....i will think about the sequence...:)
excellent documentation & lifestyle capturing of the workers... cheers man..
I was looking for photos of a woman carrying bricks. My search landed me to your blog.
Wonderful photos!
Amazing writing and photography . Loved this !
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